Historical Society War Bonds Now Available For Purchase!

FHS War Bond

We at Newport Museum and the FHS are dedicated to preserving the rich history and culture of Freedonia. However, we’ve been faced with recent attacks from a group of troublemakers who seek to disrupt our efforts via assaulting patrons and staff attempting to visit, as well as destroying parts of our valuable collection.

In response to these threats, we’ve decided to issue limited Craftnote War Bonds as a means to secure the necessary resources for the defense of our museum and its visitors. These bonds will be sold at 5db apiece and are limited edition, with a total of only 50 bonds available.

By purchasing Craftnote War Bonds, you not only support the protection of our at-risk historical treasures, but also become a vital part of our mission to safeguard the heritage of Freedonia for future generations. Your contribution will directly contribute to enhancing the security measures in place to fend off future malicious attacks.

War Bonds may be purchased from NightSteak9, and can be cashed in to him at any time for their original value. Buyers may also request to purchase a specific bond, as they will be individually numbered one through fifty.

We appreciate your support and dedication to preserving our shared history. Together, we can ensure that Newport Museum and the Freedonian Historical Society continue to thrive as a haven of knowledge and culture for all players.

Thank you for standing with us in these challenging times.

-NightSteak9, Founder.