<@&1091542799054291006> Astral Monarch Flippeh event starts in 15 minutes! Log on to fight for free stuff! Other dragons or whatever will prob spawn later too, but this is the only publicly announced one, so don’t miss it! I’ll see you on the field 🙂
— nightsteak9
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Discord Announcement: 2024-12-28T16:06:53.671000+00:00
Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone is having a good holiday so far!
Now down to business. LWC has received a quick update. Password protected chests are more secure, and use a stronger cryptographic algorithm. What this means for you is: You will need to update your chest password. Chest Owners and Chest Admins are able to do so with `/lwc -m p:newpassword`.
If you use a password protected chest for the purpose of allowing others to have access, consider a private container instead!
`/lwc -c private`
Then simply add who you want with `/lwc -m newuser`.
In addition to security, we’d like to remind everyone not to click suspicious links from players you dont trust.
With that out of the way, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their holiday, and the new year to come!
– Teh Adminz
(<3 helix)
Discord Announcement: 2024-04-11T05:07:33.180000+00:00
Since channel announcement messages never work here for some reason, here’s the staff ‘press release’. “Hi all,
As a number of users are now well aware, evidence has recently come to light of multiple instances of sexual harassment by a former member of our staff team (“luigifan100”). We understand that there is also concern that the admin team may have intentionally attempted to hide this information from the community. We would like to address both of these issues.
First off, while the admins are capable of many things, there are limits to what can be observed beyond the Minecraft platform, particularly on external services such as Discord. As such, we implore our community not only to report any such activity to admins@minecraftonline.com immediately but also to report the offending party and messages directly to Discord via the methods outlined at this link.
In addition to reporting to Discord’s Trust & Safety Team, players in the EU can make reports to their local authorities through official channels, which are available on Europol’s Report a Crime page.
Discord Announcement: 2023-11-26 17:07:33
With all banners copied and ready for transport, Newport Museum is soon to be the home of RebelCommander’s banner collection! As always, all banners will be available to copy upon request 🙂